Welcome to Squirrel Class Page!
In Year 1 we love learning outdoors, challenging ourselves and being problem solvers!
All of the children in Squirrel class work extremely hard and it is a year where they grow even further in their decision-making and creative thinking. We really enjoy the growing independence that Year 1 brings and particularly love working in our maths books and learning lots of new sounds in an exciting and practical way. Recently, we had lots of fun on our fantastic field going through the mud and grass as we went on a bear hunt! Learning in Squirrel class is fun, creative and thought-provoking.
We really enjoy working in our fantastic outdoor area and are looking forward to exploring the new outdoor equipment further! We love working together and have the most fantastic imagination. We are looking forward to all of the memories we will make together in Squirrel class.
Squirrel Class Learning
Squirrel Class Curriculum Information